Articles - Spiritual Mind
What Is god?

In her profound philosophical teachings, the influential New Thought thinker Emma Curtis Hopkins offered a unique metaphysical conception of God as the very essence of universal Intelligence and Mind itself. One of her keystone quotes encapsulates this deep idea:

“God is Spirit, therefore it is the Science of Spirit which we are to study when we open the reasoning with the word ‘God.’ God is the name for that Intelligence which out of its own substance bestowed upon you that intelligence you now have. Intelligence is Mind. Thus it is plain that by opening our study with the word ‘God’ we are beginning the study of Mind.”



feet at a choice point crossroads


harnessing fear: the magnetic power of the mind

Spiritual mind

Fear is an emotion that is deeply ingrained in our human experience, and it can hold immense influence over our lives. It possesses an intriguing characteristic in that, it acts as a magnet, drawing us towards a future we dread, while simultaneously shaping our expectations. In fact, fear can be seen as a form of confident expectation, albeit directed towards an outcome of evil or negativity.



Wayne Dyer - How to program your subconscious mind


How to program your subcoscious mind with meditations

Dr. Wayne w. dyer

This video is about how to program your subconscious mind. In this video, you will be presented with a method you can use to program your subconscious mind. You will learn how to program your subconscious mind and the best time to do it. Wayne explains what happens when you focus on negative ideas such as past hurts, resentments and grievances and why you mustn’t do this.